Modern Packs are NOT Your Grandma’s Castor Oil!

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Granny Suggesting a Castor Oil Pack

H​ave you ever considered using a Castor Oil pack? In the past I actually had, but it sounded like Snake oil and one of those old wife’s tales that my Grandmother spoke about. But I did actually go ahead and purchase some castor oil in a plastic bottle, and a piece of flannel… and when I got it, I said WHAT? HOW does this work? Too clumsy, needed heat and was messy – so I never really tried it. And then enter the MODERN Queen of the Thrones Castor Oil Liver Pack! Let me tell you why I first tried it, and my results!

A Little Background on Me and Where I’ve Been

Many of us have found comfort in sharing our experiences/ symptoms and successes with having Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and Lipedema, so I started a FB group and this blog. Since presenting at the 2019 FDRS conference, I’ve had many issues that eventually hindered my ability in posting. I applied for disability – and that in itself was a huge can of worms! But my typing and writing ability had deteriorated, so I was having trouble posting any blog articles, and keeping up with my groups. My disability lawyer asked me to get my issues documented so that I would have enough medical records. I already had my formal Lipedema diagnosis, but I spent another 3 years going to doctors appointments, being admonished for “not trying (or being able) to do more”, and getting diagnosed with a myriad of additional issues. Issues including:

  • POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome),
  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome),
  • GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease),
  • Esphogitis,
  • arthritis,
  • a formal confirmation diagnosis of EDS,

and even “minor” eye symptoms of

  • Dry Eye and
  • Blepharospasms (uncontrolled blinking).

I found myself constantly exhausted and struggling. Struggling with everything – walking, writing, driving, sleeping. Seemed there was always a new ache, a new pain, a new food sensitivity, a new obstacle. I had regained a bunch of weight (yet again) since presenting at the FDRS conference, and that weighed on me. How could I speak to Lipedema women about my weight loss if I hadn’t been able to keep the weight off?

Kelly Maynard of WildHeart Wellness for Lipedema and I talked and commiserated and shared our struggles. B​ut it seemed we were both stalled. Therapies that seemed to previously work, seemed to have little to no effect. I went on a new eating plan, and DID lose 20 pounds – but every day it was WORK. And I continued to have the aches and pains, trouble with sleep, and IBS/GErd issues that had crept into my daily life.

Kelly began researching the liver. I had previously worked on the liver using dandelion tea, leaves, chicory and other supplements. I never seemed to notice anything – but perhaps I wasn’t quite sure what I was looking for either. Kelly said she was going to try a Castor Oil Liver Pack by Queen of the Thrones.

“If the liver isn’t working well there is no way the body can flush lymph, so all the lymph help you do will not get rid of the fluid. There is a detox/elimination hierarchy in the body and lymph is level 3, after colon and liver/kidney/gallbladder.” – Kelly Maynard

In just 4 days – she already saw a difference!

W​ell, that was intriguing to me! When have we EVER seen a difference in ANYTHING in less than a week?? I was concerned, because previously I had purchased that piece of flannel – and it just seemed so impractical and messy. But this new version ties on the body, does not need an additional heat source and has a protective cover. (It can STILL be messy, so be sure to wear an old T-shirt over the pack!)

T​here are just SO MANY things that a Castor Oil pack can do – but I’ll just mention some of the things that were most important to me at the time:

The Original Organic Castor Oil Liver Pack™ supports:

  • Microbiome balance (Improved Gut Health!)
  • Bowel movements regulation (IBS improvement!!)
  • Less heartburn (GERD reduction!)
  • Less inflammation (!!)
  • and amazingly deep, restful sleep (Moves you into the Parasympathetic state!)

Oh My GOSH! We’ve talked about so many of these things over the years….but HOW could something placed ON the body and not taken internally POSSIBLY work? Got to be snake oil!

“A castor oil pack is one of the OLDEST, most widespread healing rituals in the world and the best kept secret known only to a privileged few. From Traditional Chinese Medicine to Indian Ayurveda to modern Naturopathic Medicine, it has withstood the test of time for centuries in cultures all over the globe.” – Dr. Marisol Teijeiro N.D.

“Simply rubbing castor oil on your belly and throwing an old t-shirt on overtop (also known as the “Lazy Man’s Castor Oil Pack”) only gives you about 50% of the benefits. The castor oil pack is an equally important part of the process because the soft compression of the pack on the skin is what promotes the release of feel-good hormones like oxytocin and dopamine, and helps move your body into the relaxed parasympathetic state.” – Dr. Marisol Teijeiro N.D.

I not only placed over the liver, but also had purchased the sleep mask, and placed castor oil over my eyelids and lashes. The very first day, I had improvements in my bowel movements – by the end of the week, I was also sleeping better. Less than a month, (moving the pack over my lower and upper back) and so many of my aches and pains are gone, I have more energy and I’m blinking less (from the blepharospasms). Everyone is unique and some may take weeks or even months to notice the benefits. Often when the body is imbalanced can take a while for the body to rebalance. But I am excited – days that I skip using the pack I do not sleep as well – and I hope if you decide to try that you can benefit as well!

T​here’s also packs for other parts of the body – Thyroid kit, Pelvic kit for hormone balance, Dry brush lymphatic kit (and I expect to talk more about all of these) – but you’ll probably want to start with the Liver kit to support the liver so it will be able to handle the detoxing from these other body parts in the future.

Order your Castor Oil Liver pack by clicking here!

Disclaimer: Always talk to your doctor before starting any new practice. This is not intended to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any disease. Do not cleanse during pregnancy. This is for educational purposes only. Results vary.


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